
Growing Like a Weed

When my son was younger (yep hes a whole 3 yrs old now) i took an obscene amount of pictures of him. It was rediculous. but i had never seen anyone i loved so much or who was so dam gorgeous or who changed with almost every breath. well,  ive gotten lazy in the last 6 months & we've gotten into our pattern and daily habits. and these days his vocabulary is growing faster than his body.

the other day he said he was "Umongous".

but the other day we were outside on one of those singular sunny warm days in between slush and rain and just plain cold...and he ran over into the field next to our house (yes i live in the country...the real country) and i had to put down my mags, whip out my iphone to capture him and all his divine toddler manliness.

The other thing that's special about these pics are that he is playing in the same yard and field i played in as a child. there were lots of rough spots in my childhood but this yard is the place of many of my happiest childhood memories. it's where i learned to ride a bike, a go-cart AND a riding lawnmower. it's where we, since we didnt have any neighbors near by, could run till we got tired. now it's where he can run until he gets tired.

i just love how his outfit happens to match the landscape.

and the blue sky...that blue sky was like forever.


  1. What a sweet sweet boy! Enjoy him- they grow up fast. Mine are 19 & 24... :D best to you!

  2. HI Jennifer, He is such a handsome boy. That is such a lovely age. How lucky he is to play in the same fields, full of natures beauty.
    Happy weekend to you, Theresa

  3. he is precious!! and 3 is such a great age!

  4. How gorgeous for him to grow up like this!
